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Welcome to our Clinical Trials page. Here, you can find the latest on clinical trials for Leigh's syndrome, including those that are currently recruiting participants, active but not recruiting, and those recruiting by invitation only. All this information is linked directly to, so it's always up to date. We also give provide information about clinical trials in general and about the FDA.  Clinical trials offer hope and potential breakthroughs in treatment. At the same time, it's important to consider the possible benefits and risks, the commitment required, and how a trial might align with your or your loved one's healthcare journey.


FIND A CLINICAL TRIAL ON CLINICALTRIALS.GOV is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world.

Clinical Trials: What Patients Need to Know

Click on the link above to learn more about what clinical trials are, phases of clinical trials, your rights as a participant, and more.

Informed Consent for Clinical Trials

Informed consent means much more than getting research participant's signature on the consent form. Click link above to learn more.

fda- all resources for patients 

Learn about treatments, drug/device approvals, public meetings and more.

FDA Patient Engagement Opportunities

Learn how you as a patient can engage with the FDA and share your experiences, preferences and needs as they relate to FDA-regulated medical products.

Activity book for children - join Sofia as she learns about health research and considers enrolling in a clinical trial

Sofia learns about research

Clinical trial process

Process of clinical trials
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